Student Handbook Presentation 7/22


Breakfast: Served from 7:50 am to 8:00 am.

Nutrition Break: This is a ten-minute break which allows students and teachers a chance to relax and have a snack. Students are to deposit trash in the trash cans rather than leaving it or throwing it on tables or on the ground.

Lunch: BVM has two lunch periods. 7th grade lunch is after Period 4 and 8th grade lunch is after 7th. All students must be in the designated lunch areas. Students may bring their own lunches or food may be purchased at the Cafeteria or snacks from the ASB. Students may not eat lunch outside of the designated areas. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up his/her own trash. BVM is a beautiful school. Let’s all do our part! It’s the Crusader Way!

Lunch Application: Free and reduced lunch applications must be returned to the main office.

PIN #’s: Each student will be issued a PIN number seen on the locator card on the bottom right, if not, please see the cafeteria manager only. Students may pre-pay for lunches. (10 purchased = 1 free). We encourage students to take advantage of this program.


All students must be in class by 8:05 a.m. We expect all students to be on time to all classes. A student must be in his/her seat when the bell rings. Tardy sweeps are conducted every day after each tardy bell and tardy students are assigned Saturday SchoolEach tardy also lowers the student’s citizenship grade.

Being on Time Is Your Responsibility.

Excused Tardy: If a student is late to school for any reason, the student must bring a note from the parent or legal guardian, or they may call the attendance office.

Unexcused Tardy: If a student is late for school or class for any reason without a note or call from the parent/guardian, it is recorded as an unexcused tardy.