BVM AVID Pajama and Blanket Drive

Bonita Vista  Middle School’s AVID program is sponsoring its second annual pajama drive for the Polinsky Center through December 21, 2012. The Polinsky Center is a receiving facility for children from infancy to 17 years old who are removed from their homes due to neglect, abuse and other situations beyond their control.  Having their own pajamas verses sleeping in the regular clothes can make a difference in many of these children lives.  Donate a new pair of pajamas or a cash contribution to your advisory class, the main office or room 403.  For each contribution you will receive a crusader buck for your generosity for this worthwhile cause.

The AVID program is also sponsoring a blanket drive for an orphanage in Tecate.  We are requesting new or slightly used blankets for the children during the winter months.  We will conclude our drive on Friday, December 21, 2012.  Any help you can provide will be appreciated.  There is a box in the front office for donations.