Title I is a federal program that provides extra funding to eligible schools to improve the academic achievement of at-risk students. Schools are eligible to be Title I if 35% or more of students in the school qualify for free/reduced lunch (based on lunch applications). Schools are eligible to be a School-wide Title I School if their free/reduced lunch percent is over 40%. This means that the school can use the funding to improve the entire school program, but its main focus is to provide supplemental services for students that are at-risk of failing via materials, interventions, and support classes. Title I programs and services must be supplemental to the core program provided by the district. The Sweetwater Union High School District provides all schools with highly qualified teachers, standards based curriculum and textbooks for core content classes. The School Site Council (SSC) reviews and approves the School’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) that outlines how the school will address the academic needs of their students and how the categorical budgets, including Title I, will be spent to support those needs.