BVM School Nurse’s Health Office
Christi Stoddard, MSN, RN, PHN
Credentialed School Nurse
Phone: 619-397-2206
Fax: 619-482-9356

Health Office Hours
7:55 AM to 3:15 PM when classes are in session.
Students are required to have a pass to see the nurse during passing periods and during class. Students should communicate illness or injury to a school staff member rather than using a cell phone to call parents during school hours. Students will be referred to the school nurse for evaluation or treatment and then parents will be contacted. Students should have at least two valid contact phone numbers, in case of emergencies or student illness. Emergency and contact telephone numbers should be updated as needed by the parent through the parent portal.
Senate Bill (SB) 277: California Immunization Law:
*Each student must meet all of the immunization requirements required by the state of California to be able to attend school.
Please visit Shots for School for more information.
Medications at School
Education Code (EC) sections 49400 and 49423; Business and Professions Code (BPC) sections 1625, 2051, 2052, 2472, 2746.51, 2836.1, 3041, and 3502.1; California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5, sections 600, 601(a), and 602 states that any student who is required to take medication prescribed by a physician during the regular school day, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the school district receives a written statement from the physician detailing the name of the medication, method, amount, and time schedules by which the medication is to be taken and a written statement from the parent, foster parent, or guardian of the student indicating the desire that the school district assist the student with the administration of the prescribed medication.
Physician’s Recommendation for Medication Form
- No other prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs, or alternative medications may be carried by students on their person, in a backpack or other container, except as indicated above and with the knowledge of the school nurse.
- A new form must be completed each school year and will be on file in the health office.
- Changes in medication require a new authorization form signed by the health care provider and parent.
- Medication must be picked up from the health office at the end of the school year.
Unclaimed medication will be destroyed at the close of the last day of school.
Please choose from the following medical forms:
- Anaphylaxis/Food Allergy Treatment Plan Forms (please complete both forms):
- If your student has a Food Allergy, your medical provider must complete this form in addition to the two Anaphylaxis/Allergy Treatment Plan forms above:
- Asthma Forms (please complete both forms):
- Diabetes:
- Diabetes School Management Plan:
- Please have student’s endocrinologist provide this plan.
- Return to the nurse prior to the first day of school.
- Parent Questionnaire
- Diabetes School Management Plan:
- Seizure Forms:
- Physician Recommendation for Medication Form (Physician to complete this form only if the student needs to have seizure medication while at school).
- Seizure Action Plan
- Completed form is required for all students with seizures/epilepsy.
- Physician to complete form.
- Questionnaire for Parents of a Student with Seizures
- Completed questionnaire is required for all students with seizures/epilepsy.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications:
A limited school supply of over-the-counter medications will be available at the school site and can be given only by a credentialed school nurse or by trained staff with a student’s parent/guardian consent on file.
The following OTC medications are available in the nurse’s office and can be administered with parent permission, as needed by the nurse:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or generic
- Calcium Carbonate (Tums)
- Cough drops or throat lozenges
- Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or generic
A new form must be completed each school year and will be kept on file at the health office.
Other Forms
- Physical Education Modifications for Injury or Illness
- Form is needed when a student has an injury with a recovery time longer than a week.
- A short-term PE excuse is available from the school nurse with a note from the parent for up to three days.
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Form
If a student has suffered a possible concussion, please seek medical attention. Have the Doctor complete and sign the concussion forms listed below (or have the doctor complete their own forms) and return them to the school nurse. If the student is diagnosed with a concussion, the student should stay home from school for 24 hours after the injury and they then may return to school if feeling better. It is recommended that the student attend school for half-days for the first few days back at school as needed. The nurse will communicate with teachers and staff about the Doctor recommended accommodations during the recovery.
Chronic Illness Verification
Students who have excessive tardies and/or absences due to their medical condition will need to have a doctor’s note on file for the current school year. Once the form is completed and signed, please turn it into the school nurse.